It’s early- about four a.m. I open my eyes and you’re not there.

You’re out on one of your walks, and he’s not fighting me.

He’s not hungry or upsetting you.

He’s by my side, covered up in dreams.

How soft it is, that ‘Nip-Nip Time’ as you say.

I can make sense of things-trust myself.

The world is reaching out, opening and letting us in.


A line pushing me back so I can see.

My parents, you, A.J. and me- just passing through.

I pick up my life, put down my worry.

And when I find that the sun and the city are falling into place, my fear goes.


It’s 1:30 and I’m in my studio.

There’s someone walking up the hallway, and I shutter.

And it’s you. We face each other, and he’s not in your hands.


Then my how we are moving.

Every step, every stoplight, every window—in me

— traffic flow--fying—fly—fine by.

All the trees blocking out the sun—.

I, I just want this time—to our A.J., to the door—

for you to you to you and I—him in your an’ my arms-

our boy.


 TABLE MONOLOGUE- ELISABETH By Jeremiah Burns Copyright C 2018 All Rights Reserved.