Not I: The Power of Portfolio for a New Society

By Jeremiah Burns

Chapter One: How am I you?

Like an inflated basketball bouncy with the heat of early September, I move across a grassy landscape, the buoyancy of the late-day light, my anxiety as I face a new school year in the midst of a pandemic, moves me to compassionate regard for our interdependence as people. The dream-like experience of surviving a pandemic opens my intuition and imagination, offering me a glimpse of a complete shift in my ontology, presenting me with the sense of a more integrated sensibility.

As I have a habit of saying, Not I, when describing how the world’s crises are produced from decisions made by people whose ontologies are biased in favor of a racist status quo, as humanity’s crises are rooted in our interdependence, meditating through movement, whether physical or psychic, helps me to reflect on my habit of saying, Not I, to struggle with the paradox of reifying an integrated sensibility.

Chapter Two: How is creativity a forming of safe space?

Integral to every creative medium is the imperative to reflect upon and openly converse with oppressive identities and visions of society. Whereas this imperative requires cognitive dissonance, creativity can focuses me on the importance of continuing to investigate my experience, to grow in relationship with my elders, my ancestors.

Chapter Three: What does it mean to form community?

Considering how concrete actions are decidedly limited in their impact and yet referent to the profound in our lives, what if we exemplify a grass-roots organizing ethos in the creation of an equitable society? What if such initiative includes the following: 1) Bringing food to people in need, 2) Organizing anti-racist trainings, 3) Going to church with my neighbors, 4) Cultivating edible seeds in a common-use area.

Chapter Four: How are portfolios examples of right work?

When we set out to realize equity, portfolios are a sensible tool for releasing everyone from what we know, from our fears, our biases, while keeping a record of our commitment to personal and political growth. Bringing to fruition a transformative journey for all peoplet us keep the following as guides to portfolio creation: 1) Study the Freedom Now! movement, 2) Practice mindful meditation, 3) Publish in public spaces, 4) Present plans for reconstituting our society.


Not I: The Power of Portfolio for a New Society By Jeremiah Burns Copyright C 2020 All Rights Reserved.