Moonshadow Recipe
By Jeremiah Burns
A moonshadow is a way of combining things to make things better.
Greeting Circle
Including a keepsake- show and/or speak on some small, less than precious thing that you would like to keep and also share with others. For example, a story that holds sentimental meaning to you, a song that you’d like to share, a piece of paper that, while ordinary, is significant to you.
Demonstrating A Moonshadow Recipe
For example: 1) Make a pizza without an oven. Using toasted flat bread, butter, roasted red peppers, and mozzarella, 2) Make smoothies with a pitcher and a large spoon. Pour in blueberries, mint, strawberries, watermelon, and crushed ice, 3) Make trail mix combining popped popcorn, coconut shavings, semi-sweet chocolate, croutons, and gorgonzola cheese.
Sharing Time- What have we noticed about our recipe? How do we like it?
Read-Aloud Time- How is friendship a moonshadow recipe?
Keepsake Reflection Time- How is a moonshadow recipe something you keep?
Moonshadow Recipe By Jeremiah Burns Copyright C 2020 All Rights Reserved.